Daniel dreams of “adding his voice for the voiceless in the ears of those who make policies affecting communities.”

Right now, Daniel lives this out by advocating for the persecuted Church.

DAI’s MA in Organisation Leadership (MAOL) course on Strategic Management energised him and gave him the tools to build a road map for accomplishing his goal “to set a foundation solid enough to start a movement of change and transformation by the time I am 40 years old (2020).”

Daniel shares, “I have become a lover of strategy development in management. The ability to imagine the change and development an individual or an organisation can attain by doing certain things is mind blowing. To be able to challenge the status quo and help clarify vision for myself, my family, my organisation, my country and my continent is worth dying for.”

“In this Strategic Management course journey…I have been encouraged to evaluate where I am and where I want ‘to go’ and ‘to be’. I have been excited at the realisation that we can actually set-up certain things in our leadership to take us to a better end…I now try and keep trying to live, plan and work with the desired ends in mind…I see we can be something different from what we are today. I can be that difference, and hopefully it will catch onto others as I aspire to lead all to the glory of God our Creator.” 

We love that DAI helps leaders attain their dreams. Thank you for being a part of that!