Our Vision, Mission and Values
DAI UK’s vision is to partner with others to change the culture of Christian leadership.
DAI UK wants to achieve this vision so that Christian leaders are known for:
- servant leadership and humility
• leading effective learning organisations
• demonstrating integrity and accountability
• commitment to a lifetime of spiritual formation
• championing justice and empowering ministries that result in social transformation
Our Mission
Our global mission is to enhance the integrity and effectiveness of Christian leaders worldwide so that the Church fulfils its role in extending God’s Kingdom. For us in the UK this means that: DAI UK is passionate about growing effective servant leaders in the UK, Europe, Asia and worldwide.
Our Values
We are committed to acting in a way that is:
- Relevant to others: we will strive always to be appropriate to the culture and context of those with whom we work
- Responsive to others: we will be sensitive to the changing needs and circumstances of those with whom we work
- Partnering with others: we will work with others to progress our common objectives and in so doing we will demonstrate servant leadership and faithful stewardship
Our History
DAI has had a base in the UK since 2006 for supporting global curriculum development and training and for fundraising. In 2020 DAI’s focus in the UK was expanded to provide leadership training and coaching within the UK itself. The desire is to provide opportunities for leaders of different ethnicities and cultures to come together to explore the skills and behaviours of a true servant leader, to provide safe spaces to study, debate, imagine and reflect together and to learn from one another.
This element of DAI’s ministry in the UK is embryonic but has a real sense of energy and purpose. New workshops and courses are scheduled throughout the year and partnerships are being forged with a number of agencies and Church groups to facilitate joint working, and the efficient use of resources.
Given the coronavirus pandemic workshops are being held online and particularly popular has been the Culture, Ethnicity and Diversity course.
To read our annual reports, please visit the Charity Commission website.
DAI International

(From left: Dave, Jim and Jane)
In 1990, two distinguished professors wanted to make a difference in the lives and ministries of key leaders in the majority world. Their dream was to enhance the integrity and effectiveness of Christian leaders worldwide. Dr. James F. Engel taught at Wheaton College for 18 years. Beside a highly successful secular career in marketing research, he served as a trainer and consultant to over 250 Christian organisations in 60 countries.
Meanwhile, Dr. David Fraser had gained significant exposure to leaders at grassroots level, serving as a member of the senior staff of the MARC (Mission Advanced Research and Communication Centre) Division of World Vision International with responsibilities for Unreached Peoples. He had also served with World Vision’s Mission Training and Resource Centre, helping to develop curricula and training models. Together the two undertook nearly three years of global research to identify the greatest areas of leadership growth needed by Christian leaders in the majority world to effectively transform their communities.

Over the next five years the curriculum was created, field-tested, modified and retested. It began to become clear that interactive, story-based learning focused on asking the leader questions and requiring application enabled leaders to change. This method put the focus on learning and transformation of the leader and his or her leadership practices. Staff and volunteers were recruited, including men and women with expertise in the most critical fields, and the ministry began to expand. In 1996, the organization adopted the name Development Associates International (DAI).

Charity no. 1115741
Company No. 50750186
Registered Address:
25 Gordon Road, Windsor Berkshire, SL4 3RG
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